Monthly Archives: December 2010
12.31.2010 Posted 9:37 pm
It’s All About Perspective
There’s a quote from Ivy Baker Priest, a former U.S. Treasurer that I love: “The word is round and the place which may seem like the end may also be only the beginning.”
If you read my article in this coming month’s Whole Living Magazine, you know that I prescribe to the theory that day-by-day we find our way. We begin again. And it’s never too late to start. I believe that your perspective on a situation can greatly change how you “move through” the situation at hand.
Case in point: most people hate rain. They believe it’s dreary, depressing and inconvenient. However, my great-grandmother believed that rain signaled good fortune and great luck. I never met her – she passed away the week I was born. However, her philosophy was passed down to my brother and me. Whenever it rained outside, rather than get glum, we would be optimistic that something good was going to happen because “great grandmother always said rain was good luck!”
Over the years there were so many …
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12.22.2010 Posted 2:36 pm
Closing out 2010
Hi everyone,
I had NO IDEA my readership is so fashion savvy! I must say that I received SO MANY emails about how you all loved the fantastic red heels that I wore during my Buddy Media speech. Well, thank you, and what makes them even cooler is that they are HOT PINK (I took a close-up picture so you could enjoy them in all their glory).
And what's great is that I ALSO have bright red heels – they are fabulous as well.
This week has been OK. Ironically, I have been handling the chemo pretty well but I got this nasty bacterial/fungal infection which really set me back. I am on some seriously strong drugs right now and am starting to feel a bit better. The good news is that my blood work came back strong one week post chemo cycle 3 which means I don't need a blood transfusion this time around. I do love them because they give me energy but I am thrilled that my body is getting a bit stronger and able …
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12.13.2010 Posted 8:18 pm
Heading in a Better Direction
apologize for not writing in a week or so. I find that either I am really tired and sick on days or I have some energy and am anxious to try and get out and do something. So, the good news is that the days leading up to chemo cycle #3 were more “good” than “bad”.
I took advantage and had lots of visitors. My friends Sue and Serina from college came by for a visit and my friend Pete from Boston, accompanied by our friend Tina, came by as well.
The highlight of the week was meeting Kyan, the newest member of my Harvard Business School study group. Kyan was born last month to Vishal and Kelly and since Vishal was in my study group, we are already assuming that Kyan will be following in his dad’s footsteps. What was so great about that day was that very spontaneously we were able to get a few other study group members over (Greg, Brett) and we had a mini-reunion. Kyan was very …
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12.4.2010 Posted 10:00 am
A Glimmer of Sunshine
The past week has been tough with some good days mixed in. What was truly a blessing is that we got our first bit of what seems to be good news from my Doctors yesterday.
I had an echo test that basically measures the strength of your heart. This test is important for me to get every 6 weeks or so since the chemo I am now on is potentially damaging to your heart. A big concern I have is that we will hear that the chemo is working but I can’t take any more if t because my heart is weakening. Well, the reassuring news is that my heart is exhibiting the same strength it did in September before I started the chemo. This is a big relief. I am the last person to welcome this chemo as it has been kicking my butt, however, if it’s working, I am not going to stop taking it!
I have a CT scan next week which will officially tell us how the numerous …
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