Monthly Archives: May 2008
05.25.2008 Posted 9:33 pm
An Honor That I Wish I Hadn’t Gotten
Although I don’t talk about it often, I have received dozens of emails and phone calls from cancer patients around the country who have read my blog or heard about Spin4Survival. When Dave and I were in Redbook this past December, a number of people reached out to me who had had similar experiences with cancer or were just grateful to hear about someone who was living with the disease and refused to become a victim of it.
I received an email this past January from a woman my age who was also suffering from sarcoma. She was a private person and did not care to share her cancer with many people. She joked to me that “Unfortunately, we have this pesky ‘sarcoma’ thing in common.”
She shared wth me her experiences and her frustrations. “Everything is just different now and will be for the rest of my life. I still wake up some mornings, feel my bald head and go, “IS THIS REALLY HAPPENING????? TO ME???” And each morning I am …
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05.25.2008 Posted 6:07 pm
A Fantastic Week
I am sorry that I have not written a while but I have been very busy doing lots of fun things! The first week of May was very special as I got the chance to see my college girlfriends. 6 of us met in Austin, Tx for the weekend and it was so much fun. I was marveling at the fact that we have all known each other since our Freshman year at Duke…19 years ago! Despite the fact that we live in 6 different cities (Austin, Boston, San Francisco, New York, Nashville and Atlanta) and have 5 husbands and 13 kids between us, we still all manage to get together at least once every year or 18 months. This year was particularly fun. We spent a day at the Lake Austin Spa laying out at the pool and getting massages and facials. We all joked around that we can tell we are getting older when we would rather spend our money on a nice dinner and a spa treatment …
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