Monthly Archives: June 2012
06.17.2012 Posted 4:35 pm
Perspective is an amazing thing
Perspective is a remarkable thing. This morning, I might have had some fear around sending two of my children (the little ones) for their first week-long trip away. This afternoon, I might have had some anxiety around my own trip to Europe for a business trip. I might have acknowledged fear in either situation. But, instead I sat down to read two submissions to You Fearless that I had been intending to post to the site, and I realized I not only had nothing to fear, but also that those fears were so incredibly small relative to the courage of two people: Perry Zimmerman and Nikki Ferraro.
And so I share with you a post directly from young Perry as she celebrates the end of her chemo treatment and a post from Robin Ferraro on behalf of her niece, Nikki who turned her challenge into a tremendous opportunity. If you have even the slightest bit of fear today (or any day), I encourage you to read these and I am convinced …
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06.4.2012 Posted 11:23 pm
It’s a good day when good things happen to good people
Today's business press carried the incredible news of Buddy Media's sale to
From The Washington Post (
to Forbes (
to The Wall Street Journal (,
everyone was talking about today's deal because it spoke to some of the most powerful trends driving the future of digital media – the power of social, the importance of cloud computing, and the vision and entrepreneurial spirit required to grow companies and create meaningful value. And, despite personally living and breathing the world of digital media every day as the recently appointed Publisher of the Huffington Post, I was not struck by what the news was today – rather, I was struck by who made it happen and the kind of people they are. And, I hope they will forgive me for taking the liberty of sharing their story here.
Buddy Media was founded by Michael Lazerow and his wife and business partner Kass. Michael is a serial entrepreneur with an incredible track record punctuated clearly by today's achievement, but that is not how I know him. …
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