Giving Surgery a Good Name
I am happy to report that I am getting better each day. I have sworn off the Vicodin and am now getting by on tons of Tylenol and sleep. The appetite is starting to come back and I have been doing a ton of walking which has gotten easier every day. What is so nice about recovery this time is that it is taking place during the summer! My last two surgeries were in December and January so I had no choice but to stay indoors. Now, I can get out a bit more. I have had a really great time "rediscovering" the city through my walks. I have been seeing lots of friends by making dates to walk in Central Park or to "escort" my friends to their jobs in midtown. If anyone is looking for a walking companion, just call me up!
I have been so, so touched by all of the wonderful "get well" messages I have received! Dave and I are constantly reminded of just how wonderful our friends and family are. My hospital room was filled with non-stop flower deliveries and visits from my aunts, cousins, distant cousins, both sets of parents and TONS of friends.
My friend Robin became my "surgical stylist" and bought me loose dresses that would fit easily over my distended and sore belly. Luckily, the baby doll "maternity" look is in so I can be both practical and fashionable.
My neighbors Erica and Nick placed a huge "star" pinata outside of my door along with a "We Hate Tumors" sign to welcome the "superstar" patient home from the hospital.
When I got home, I received pajamas, massages, candles, balloons, FLOWERS,books, movies, food - you name it! Amazing. It is so nice to be loved!
The great news is that the pathology report came back and it looks like the chemotherapy has been doing a great job. One of the tumors is completely dead and the other is "mostly dead". We are going to keep with chemo for a while longer to maximize the chances that it doesn't come back but we are starting to see a light at the end of the tunnel. Chemo will begin on August 10th and will continue 2 out of every 3 Fridays for the next 6-12 months.
That's all for now. Dave bought me this great lounge chair cushion so that I can sit comfortably on our roof deck and I love it! Lots of R&R; for my last week at home.
Dave and I have the wedding of our great friends Vishal and Kelly this weekend. So, assuming I feel great, we will be heading up to Newport for the weekend. We are so excited to share this special day with them!
I will be sure to write more after the weekend! Thanks again for checking in on me.