Fearless, Dancing Cycling Tour Kicks Off Today!
You Fearless embodies Jen’s philosophy: if we eradicate fear in our lives, we can live every day to its fullest potential. The more fear we remove from our lives, the more we are able to increase our confidence, productivity and happiness. Jen's video on the You Fearless home page captures this idea at its essence.
It is our hope that You Fearless continues to inspire others. We hope to use this site to relay personal stories that embody Jen's philosophy, as You Fearless continues to have the power to motivate. With Jen’s passing, it’s probably more important than ever for us to take her words to heart and “take fear out of the equation." This website will become a place to celebrate people who embrace You Fearless, in the hopes that the approach can continue to change lives.
This week, Kevin Garcia, motivated by Jen's determination and spirit, has kicked off a Fearless bike ride across California. Kevin works for a marketing agency called LeadDog that worked closely with Jen on Cycle for Survival. Kevin is seizing the moment and using his journey to raise money and awareness for Cycle for Survival. And, embracing Jen’s love of dancing, he’s going to stop along the way and simply dance…
You can follow Kevin on LeadDog’s Facebook page or on Twitter @AtLeadDog. And, for every “like” the page gets on Facebook, LeadDog is donating $1 to Cycle for Survival to add to donations inspired by the ride. Check out the page daily to see the latest dance videos from the road.
In addition, there’s no better time for all of us to start thinking about cycling. Dave just sent out an email on behalf of Cycle for Survival, announcing that sign-ups will start in September for Cycle 2012. Please keep the following dates in mind:
Saturday, February 4 • Los Angeles • San Francisco • Long Island
Saturday, February 11 • Chicago • New York City
Sunday, February 12 • Washington, D.C. • New York City
Thank you, Kevin, for making your ride. We’ll be following your fearless, dancing cycling tour with admiration. And we’ll be right there with you to share the spirit on the blog and certainly at Cycle 2012!