Cycle for Survival – Setting the Date and Giving You a Glimpse of “Behind the Scenes”

The dates are now set for Cycle for Survival 2011! In addition to expanding the events in New York City, Chicago, we will be heading to Roslyn, Long Island as well! Cycle 2011 will be the biggest ride against cancer ever! So mark your calendar and save the dates!
Saturday February 5th: Chicago @ Equinox The Loop (morning and afternoon shifts)
Saturday February 12th: Long Island @ Equinox Roslyn (morning shift) and NYC @ Equinox Fifth Avenue (evening shift)
Sunday February 13th: NYC @ Equinox Fifth Avenue and Graybar (morning and afternoon shifts)
As a little treat we decided to let you behind the scenes to see what really happens at a Cycle for Survival meeting. Enjoy the video below and PLEASE remember that there are only 5 days left to induct me into the Energizer Hall of Fame so keep voting until midnight, Friday 8/20!
Cast Your Vote for Jennifer Goodman Linn in the 2010 Energizer Keep Going® Hall of Fame By Clicking Here. PLEASE VOTE 1x a DAY EVERY DAY THROUGH AUGUST 20th