Jennifer Goodman Linn You Fearless


11.8.2016 Posted 12:12 pm

Bruce Feiler

I spent the first half-hour today almost choking on my emotion, and by day’s end, as Jennifer Goodman Linn, the inspirational founder of Cycle for Survival handed over a check to my doctors for $2.2 million dollars, I was completely overcome. I met a man today who is already in a clinical trial that is being supported by money raised last year from this event. We were not alone today. And we will not forget.

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11.8.2016 Posted 12:11 pm

Carl S. Sloane

Jen designed and implemented, from scratch, the fastest growing public charity in America, and, she did this more or less single-handedly while undergoing five major cancer surgeries and chemotherapy. How was she able to accomplish this? Through her extraordinary strategic marketing savvy, her moral courage and her ability to tell a story in a way that is clear and compelling! Jen is an innovator, a communicator and a motivator who will inspire any group the way she has me and a legion of others.

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11.8.2016 Posted 12:10 pm

Dr. Christopher Sonnenday

I think the work you are doing to attract attention and dollars to rare cancers is key – it is the ONLY way progress will be made on these diseases in our present system.

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11.8.2016 Posted 12:09 pm

Sandy M.

Thank you for giving my family and I this vehicle called Cycle for Survival. It makes us feel empowered and provides us the ability to save lives. We hold you in the light.

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11.8.2016 Posted 12:08 pm

Jeanne S.

We are writing with a tinge of awe, admiration, appreciation, and lots of respect. The event had such an impact on thousands of people! There are no words to describe the energy, the inspiration and the hope that you instill in all of us.

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11.8.2016 Posted 12:08 pm

Richard Naum

We struggle to adequately express our full appreciation for all that you have done. We owe so many meaningful advances to you and remain grateful for your generosity, and that which you motivate in others.

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11.8.2016 Posted 12:07 pm

Derek H.

You have given me hope with a capital “H”. It is because of your relentless tenacity and contagiously, positive spirit that I am alive today… and I am forever grateful. The world is blessed to be graced with your vision and your tenacity.

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11.8.2016 Posted 11:32 am

Doug Ulman

You are truly shifting the course of lives and the world spins a little differently on its axis because of you and your progress.

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