Jennifer Goodman Linn You Fearless


11.8.2016 Posted 11:59 am

Adrianne Kirszner

Jen is a star and you realize that from the first minute you meet her. She exudes positivity and confidence and those traits make her a wonderful business partner. I value what she has taught me — how to find opportunities in the least likely of situations.

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11.8.2016 Posted 11:59 am

Julie Halpin

A dose of Jen Goodman Linn does wonders. Her spirit, energy and raw business “how to” are unmatched. I look at Jen and realize that anything is possible. That’s what knowing her has done for me – opened a sense of limitless possibility, unapologetic optimism, and recognition of the power that every single individual has to make their mark on the world.

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11.8.2016 Posted 11:57 am

Emily Portney

I have known Jen for 20 years and she has always amazed me with her unparalleled level of energy and raw skill. This enthusiasm, combined with her tenacity, creativity, and smarts has allowed her to accomplish extraordinary things personally and professionally.

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11.8.2016 Posted 11:57 am

Laura Broderick

Jen’s creativity and drive are incredibly impressive. She has great breadth and depth of experience across a variety of global consumer brands. Her unique perspective allows her to make an immediate impact on and provide great value for her clients and partners.

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11.8.2016 Posted 11:56 am

Phil Turbin

Jen is a remarkable individual – truly one in a million. Just being around her is energizing. She brings out the best in everyone around her and makes you want to be the best you can be.

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11.8.2016 Posted 11:55 am

Deborah B. Curtis

Jen Goodman Linn is my personal hero. In the face of any challenge, whether in life or business, Jen demonstrates that relentless determination, inspiring leadership, depth of character and a shot of marketing brilliance can change the world.

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11.8.2016 Posted 11:54 am

Marisa Thalberg

In an age where most everyone has a pulpit and terms like ‘inspirational’ can lose their sense of distinction, Jennifer Goodman Linn is the real deal. Her inherent intelligence and marketing/business talents are matched by a boundless optimism and energy that make for a total package like none other. Whatever and whomever she touches, she manages to transform for the better.

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11.8.2016 Posted 11:53 am

Janet Balis

Jen is an extraordinary leader, creative thinker and inspiration. She is strategic, articulate and passionate, focused on solutions not problems. But most importantly, Jen is authentic. In this world, it is that authenticity that differentiates her and puts her in a league unto herself.

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11.8.2016 Posted 11:53 am

Gary Bonilla

Jen is a driving force unlike anyone I’ve ever met before. Her can-do attitude, contagious optimism and strong business acumen seem to be the formula. When I collaborate with Jen, I know there is no option but to win.

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11.8.2016 Posted 11:33 am

Elaine Boltz

Jen brings a strategic mindset, analytical skill set and a strong dose of creativity to marketing. She truly understands how to build and refine a brand, as well as how to bring it to life. Most importantly, she is a great leader and builds enthusiasm in the people around her that drives everyone forward together.

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