Jennifer Goodman Linn You Fearless

Monthly Archives: July 2010

07.28.2010 Posted 4:15 pm

A “No Regrets Weekend”

Cast Your Vote for Jennifer Goodman Linn in the 2010 Energizer Keep Going® Hall of Fame By Clicking Here. PLEASE VOTE 1x a DAY EVERY DAY THROUGH AUGUST 20th


The first thing I thought of when my Doctor rejected me from chemo last week was not “I hope I don’t get sick.” Or “I hope the cancer isn’t spreading.” It was, “I hope this means I still get to go see my college girlfriends this weekend for our reunion getaway weekend!”


Every year or so, my Duke girlfriends and I pick a destination and meet to reminisce about old memories and create new ones. This is no easy task because among the 6 of us there are 14 children (OK, one of our friends has 7 which really tips the scales), 5 husbands and a ridiculous number of miles. No one lives in the same city. We fly from San Francisco, San Diego Charlotte, Nashville, Boston and New York to be together. Over the years we have met up in Las Vegas, …

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07.21.2010 Posted 9:23 pm

I am Merely Mortal After All

Cast Your Vote for Jennifer Goodman Linn in the 2010 Energizer Keep Going® Hall of Fame By Clicking Here. PLEASE VOTE 1x a DAY EVERY DAY THROUGH AUGUST 20th
. GoodmanLinn

I went to get blood work on Monday for Tuesday’s chemo only to find out that mycounts, platelets etc were too low to be administered the chemotherapy. In 5 years I have only been rejected 2x so this news as not only surprising but very frustrating to me. The doctors and nurses said this setback is “beyond my control” and “it’s just the result of so much chemo over the years that I am not bouncing back as quickly as I used. There is really nothing I can do to change this. How frustrating to not have more control over this important step!
As a result, I am now being moved to an “every other week” schedule versus a “two weeks one, 1 week off schedule”. I would be totally fine with this if I knew the drugs were working but …

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07.13.2010 Posted 4:12 pm

Hopping from Chemo (just like the Energizer Bunny)

Cast Your Vote for Jennifer Goodman Linn in the 2010 Energizer Keep Going® Hall of Fame By Clicking Here. PLEASE VOTE 1x a DAY EVERY DAY THROUGH AUGUST 20th

Hi everyone! I am sorry I haven't written in a few days but my ife has been hoppin! yes, this will in fact be the first of MANY bad bunny jokes that I will be making over the next month or so in an effort to subliminally remind you to vote for me. Yesterday, I had a great surprise! Dave, and my friend Brenda who nominated me for the Energizer content, lured me to an "important" business meeting at Equinox. The guise was that I was supposed to "look cute" because I was meeting a high net-worth individual who was very interested in getting involved with Cycle for Survival. Being the "always loyal, never difficult" wife that I am I asked no questions and showed up prepared for the meeting. To my surprise, the "business" meeting was a huge group of friends …

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07.10.2010 Posted 8:08 pm

Celebrating 25 Years of Friendship

Cast Your Vote for Jennifer Goodman Linn in the 2010 Energizer Keep Going® Hall of Fame By Clicking Here. PLEASE VOTE 1x a DAY EVERY DAY THROUGH AUGUST 20th
. GoodmanLinn

It is remarkable to me that over the years I have never dedicated a blog entry to my nearest and dearest friend Alicia. Well, I realized the other day that we have been best friends for over 25 years so please apologize for my delinquence in not raving about my dear friend earlier. Perhaps it is because her presence in my life is such a given. I don’t mean that I take her for granted at all…I just mean that I truly can’t imagine life without her. She is the blood sister I never had.
Alicia and I met when we were 14 years old on a cross-country “teen tour” during the Summer of 1985. It was the summer when St. Elmo’s Fire and Back to the Future ruled the box office, feathered hair was “in” as were the infamous royal …

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07.5.2010 Posted 7:41 pm

Please Vote for me Starting on Tuesday, July 6th!

Cast Your Vote for Jennifer Goodman Linn in the 2010 Energizer Keep Going® Hall of Fame By Clicking Here. PLEASE VOTE 1x a DAY EVERY DAY THROUGH AUGUST 20th

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